Joy of Bex

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Byron Bay

Our next stop was byron Bay so we said our farewells to the 'Big Banana' (one of Australia's inexplicable giant kitsch Fiberglas structures), passed Russell Crowes home, Stopped briefly at the 'Big Prawn' and arrived many hours later at our hostel. I say hostel but New Age commune is more accurate. They certainly had a fair proportion of the continents crystals, buddas,chanting and yoga teachers. Fortunately they sold very good cheese cake and this went surprisingly far in compensating for un-necessary weirdness.

We explored the area in tiny Noddy type cars. A local shop rented them to us free to ride around advertising them. They certainly drew attention and at times undisguised laughter. Still we beetled around happily visiting the beach and light house, trying not to hit stoned hippies. Only spent two nights and it was time to move on again!


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