Joy of Bex

Saturday, November 26, 2005

To Arlie beach with Wilson

We spent our last night at Rainbow beach after the Fraser trip and decided to head off to Arlie beach for three days of sailing the Whitsunday islands.

Lucy had the brainwave of traveling overnight since it was a long leg of our journey and would save us paying one nights accommodation. I have doubts about anything which interferes with sleep but they talked me round with the whole 'it will be an experience' and 'we'll reminisce in times to come' angle.

We spent the day waiting for the coach and blowing the money we'd saved on accommodation. We went out for pancakes and iced coffee at breakfast, stopped by the beauty salon to have our legs waxed etc. We are terrible, terrible backpackers. I think it's fair to say we haven't cooked even once...we eat out every single meal. If we feel tired or it's too hot we turn to each other and say,'Let's just get a taxi' and we're home in an air-conditioned jiffy.

Finally our coach came, Laura and Luce will report that the journey was easier and faster being at night. The truth is that it was long and tedious with minimal sleep. In addition the driver inflicted a movie on us: Cody Banks 2.

At some rest stop I stumbled back to the bus as half asleep as I'd left and found a bright yellow pineapple safety belted into my seat! Where does Lucy get both the energy and the props at 3 o'clock in the morning? We called him Wilson (cast away) but feel his life is bound to be short and violent.

Reached our hostel which is actually a little cabin we're sharing with three Essex girls and a lizard who lives under the linoleum. There are also brown beetles (which I'm trying not to think of as cockroaches) that scuttle out from the broken tiles of the shower and try to escape when I turn the water on!

Went out for a slap up dinner and margaritas to celebrate the half way point of our holiday. (Really it was Lucy's third of the way point!) Found a great place that satisfied Lucy's faux-fur fetish with zebra pattern seat covers; pineapple table decorations for me; and an aquarium with plastic fish for Laura.

Hopefully Photos will be added but all computers are not the same and I need one of the girls to come and find where this computer has stashed them.


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